12月3日至5日av色图,第四届天下互联网大会在浙江乌镇举行。本届大会主题为“发展数字经济 促进开放分享——联袂共建集聚空间庆幸共同体”,分为论坛、天下互联网源头科技遵循发布和展览会三大板块,围绕数字经济、前沿工夫等五大主题,汲引了分享经济、东谈主工智能、互联网精确扶贫等20个分论坛。
Xu Lin, minister of the Cyberspace Administration of China (fourth from left), and other hosts of the event help open the Light of the Internet Exposition on Dec 2 at the Wuzhen International Internet Exhibition and Convention Center in Zhejiang province. [Photo/China Daily by Zou Hong]
Alibaba's unattended supermarket pops up in Wuzhen, Zhejiang province during the fourth Light of Internet Expo. [Photo by Xiang Wenjian/chinadaily.com.cn]
More than 400 internet firms, big and small, with tech developed across every sector of the economy from retail and healthcare to the booming sharing sector are attending the prestigious event. 跳动400家大型和袖珍的互联网公司干涉了此次展览会,从零卖到医疗保健再到蕃昌发展的分享经济,所触及的科技真实涵盖了总共的经济限度。
They include not only industry giants such as BMW, Kaspersky, Alibaba and Tencent but also startups that are leaders in some areas of information technology. 参展企业不仅包括良马、卡巴斯基、阿里巴巴、腾讯等业界巨头,还有在某些信息科技限度处于源头位置的初创公司。
A particular highlight is e-commerce innovator Alibaba's take on the future of offline shopping. Its T-Mall-branded unattended supermarket allows shoppers to grab what they like off the shelves after scanning a QR code on entry, with payment being deducted automatically via Alipay once the shopper leaves. 电子商务限度的翻新者阿里巴巴为公共呈现出改日的线下购物模式,诱导了东谈主们的见地。在“天猫无东谈主超市”,主顾在进门时扫描二维码,考中需要的货物,离开时支付宝即可自动结账。
With no cashiers or waiting in line, it is like picking food and groceries from your own cupboard at home. 超市无需收银员,主顾也无须列队交钱,就像在家中的橱柜中聘用食品和杂货不异毛糙方便。
Tongxiang automaker Hozon New Energy Automobile showcases its driverless car at the Light of Internet Expo in Wuzhen, Zhejiang province on Dec 2, 2017. [Photo by Xiang Wenjian/chinadaily.com.cn]
In a corner of one of the many innovative zones at the expo, the E-Take driverless car gleams in sunburnt orange emitting a similar style and panache to that of a European sports car. 在展会稠密翻新区域的一角,浙江合众新动力汽车公司分娩的合众E-TAKE无东谈主驾驶车闪耀着灼热的橙色,作风和魄力神似欧洲跑车。
Developed by Zhejiang Hozon New Energy Automobile, the car is making its debut in Wuzhen and many visitors are keen to find out more about the future potential Tesla rival. A spokesperson for the company said that development to bring the car to the market is progressing well and that its artificial intelligence technology and facial recognition give it a competitive edge. 合众E-TAKE在乌镇初次亮相,被觉得改日有可能霸占特斯拉的阛阓份额,许多参不雅者发现了这款车的诸多亮点。公司一位发言东谈主称,将这款车型推向阛阓的显露胜利,东谈主工智能工夫和面部识别工夫成为其竞争上风。
Smart devices provide instant interpretation services with the highest accuracy at the Light of Internet Expo in Wuzhen, Zhejiang province on Dec 2, 2017. [Photo by Xiang Wenjian/chinadaily.com.cn]
Smaller in stature but no less impressive in ambition, is the XiaoYi interpretation device developed by iFlyteck, a Hefei-based State-owned software enterprise dedicated to the research of intelligent speech and language technologies. 总部位于合肥的软件国企科大讯飞带来了体型更小,但出路涓滴不逊于他东谈主的晓译翻译机。科大讯飞辛劳于智能语音寝兵话工夫的研发。
The futuristic device makes real-time translation and interpretation a reality. Speak English into it and it will instantly interpret what you've said into many languages including Chinese, Spanish, Korean or Japanese and vice versa. 这款改日观点的翻译机好意思满了实时翻译和口译。向翻译机讲英语,就不错实时翻译为华文、西班牙语、韩语和日语,反之也是。
"The machine can be put in a pocket and connected to the internet with a cellphone SIM card," said Liu Weiwei, marketing manager of iFlytek. 科大讯飞的阛阓司理刘伟伟(音)说:“翻译机不错装入口袋里,通过手机SIM卡联网。”
Ofo, a leading bike-sharing company based in Beijing, was present and also has been working on new technology to benefit customers. "We are trying to make things even easier," said Li Bofei, a business manager for the company. 参展的还有位于北京的分享单车行业领军企业Ofo,这家公司也一直辛劳于研发新工夫,惠及虚耗者。公司业务司理李博非(音)说:“咱们辛劳于让骑行更淘气。”
Ofo, working with Huawei Technologies Co, has introduced a smart bicycle lock that can be unlocked with a smartphone using near-field communication technology, which is "even easier than scanning a QR code", Li said. 李博非说,Ofo与华为公司联接,推出智能车锁,使用近场通信智高手机解锁工夫,“比扫码开锁更浅近。”。
At last year's expo, We Doctor Group showed off a smartphone application permitting a user to connect with an online medical care service, smart medical devices and home appliances. 在前年的展会上,微医集团展示了一款智高手机讹诈,用户不错通过这款讹诈获得集聚医疗管事、使用智能医疗器械和家用安装。
This year, the company is exhibiting a smartphone it developed with a button on the back to make things simpler and easier for elderly users who have trouble with regular smartphones. It allows them to connect to the company's internet hospital platform, which it developed in late 2015, and also has all the functions of a regular phone, said Hou Dan, a marketing manager from We Doctor. 本年,微医集团展出其研发的智高手机后头有一个按钮,让不会使用智高手机的老年东谈主操作起来更毛糙方便。微医集团的销售司理侯丹(音)说,这款手机有粗豪手机的沿路功能,况兼能让老年东谈主登录到公司2015年底推出的互联网病院平台。
An awards ceremony was held for companies recognized for the world's leading scientific and technological internet achievements, during the 4th World Internet Conference held in Wuzhen, East China's Zhejiang province. [Photo by Li Chenxi/chinadaily.com.cn]
China's leading bicycle-sharing service provider, Mobike Technology, was one of the companies given an award for its dockless bike-share system. Mobike built the world's first large mobile Internet of Things (IoT) platform, combining IoT, cloud computing, big data, and artificial intelligence (AI). 中国的分享单车管事商摩拜单车因“摩拜无桩智能分享单车”获奖。摩拜单车设立起天下首个大型单车物联网平台,集会了物联网、云设想、大数据、和东谈主工智能能限度的高技术。
As of October 2017, Mobike had entered more than 180 cities in nine countries, with more than seven million smart bicycles and 200 million global users, who complete 30 million trips per day. 章程2017年10月,摩拜单车仍是辛勤全球9个国度的跳动180个城市,领有跳动700万辆智能单车,全球用户跳动2亿东谈主,每天骑行3000万次。
Microsoft's Xiaoice, an emotion computer-based AI product, also was presented at the event. It was invented in China and has been promoted in five countries. 获奖的还有“微软小冰——情谊设想东谈主工智能”。微软小冰“降生”在中国,仍是在5个国度本质使用。
Xiaoice has played various social roles by taking different "jobs", such as a TV host, radio host, news commentator and column writer. It published a poetry collection in May this year. 小冰不错从事不同的“责任”,演出多种社会变装,比如电视节目主抓东谈主、电台主抓东谈主、新闻批驳员、和专栏作者。本年五月小冰还出书了一册诗集。
Ran Chengqi, director of the China Satellite Navigation Office, presents the BeiDou Navigation Satellite System during the 4th World Internet Conference. [Photo by Li Chenxi/chinadaily.com.cn]
BeiDou Navigation Satellite System (BDS) was spotlighted for its "Chinese solution", which was independently constructed and operated by China and provides service worldwide. “北斗卫星导航系统”因其“中国处理决策”备受戒备。“北斗卫星导航系统”由中国孤立构建操作,提供全球管事。
Thanks to the BDS, more than 10,000 fishermen have been rescued, and the major car accident rate and casualty rate have decreased by 50% in China. 已有跳动1万名渔民在北斗卫星导航系统的匡助下获救,中国的首要交通事故率和死伤率也因此下落了50%。
华为工夫有限公司的“华为3GPP 5G预商用系统”
亚马逊公司的“AWS GreenGrass”和苹果公司的“AR Kit”
开首:中国日报网、新华社、央广网 翻译&编审:yaningav色图